If you're reading this you probably have a blog or a website where you are trying to make money. Making money online isn't an easy thing. Making money at all is not really an easy thing, however getting people to open up their wallets is harder then spending your time working in exchange for money. You're probably one of those people who want to leverage their time more so, in order to make a passive income. Passive income meaning that you are making money while not actually spending your time in exchange for money. It's basically what you might be intending your website or blog to be doing for you. Have you thought much about how you go about that? Do you know the best way for you to go about this? Let's talk about that for a moment.
There are two simple ways to make money online. They are simple but they are not exactly easy. There is a big difference there! The first way of making money online is to sell other people's products. This is known as affiliate marketing and is a great way to get started making money through your website or blog. What this means is that you are going to sell someone else's product, usually a digital product, and when someone buys this product from a link on your website or blog, you will earn a commission on the sale. Quite often these commission are very nice, and often range in the forty percent to eighty percent range. That's pretty good for spending a few hours putting together a blog or website and adding some high quality content to the site to get people to come to it. There are a few drawbacks to this approach to internet marketing and how you might go about making money on the internet, but it's a great way to get your feet wet and earn your chops in this field.
The drawback is that you are selling someone else's product and that you don't make all of the money. It's nice to be able to sell something, but it's better when you are making all the money for the hard work you do to bring people to your site. Next, it adds one more layer of trust that the person has to buy in too before buying the product. Unless the buyer is in great need of what you're selling there is going to be some hesitation on the part of the buyer to give you their money.
Next lets talk about creating your own product. One of the biggest benefits of doing this is that if you create a product that you are passionate about, that passion will show through in the product and also in the marketing and selling of the product. In addition, if you create something in an area that you are passionate about, you will most likely have a good amount of information on what the market is like for this product; do others readily buy what you are selling; are the people in this market people that have the money to buy anything; and other points of knowledge that can dramatically help you in making sales.
That doesn't mean that you have to create a product that you are passionate about and that's that. You can make a product for any segment of the market, but your passion will help sell what you produce if you are already interested in the subject.Many people choose to make products for a market that has a lot of interested buyers and may not be something that they are very interested in, that's fine, as long as the product is honest about what it offers and that it is something that will be seen as value to those in that market. You might produce the best bottle of sparkling water the world has ever seen, but if people aren't thirsty, you're not going to make very many sales. You have to sell what people want, it's that simple, and something many don't get. They will try and try and try to beat people over the head with double talk, and little schemes such as getting the person to answer a lot questions in the positive before asking for the sale. These types of sales tactics are old and outdated, and I really question if they worked in the first place. When there is a need, people will buy, you just have to make sure that you are in front of those people enough that when they have a need they will remember you, or that you are around so much that you are bound to find people right then that are in need of what you sell.
Sales is a tough, but very rewarding profession, and by being creative when you are starting out and trying both of these methods you will quickly come to find out which way is the better path for you...or possibly they both are viable means of sales for you.
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