Sunday, March 4, 2012

What I wish I knew as an internet marketer way back when...

I remember starting out two years ago as an internet marketer. I was still working for someone else in a job that I didn't much care for and wishing that there was a better way to make a living. There was, but that ship sailed by me back when I should have gone to college. That didn't really seem like much of an option anymore. Then a friend of mine told me about internet marketing. I immediately, like within seconds, scoffed at the idea thinking it nothing more than another pyramid scheme. My dad told me a long time ago that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Well that is what I knew back then and guess how far it had gotten me? It had gotten me a long way down a road filled with potholes of regret and curves of bad decisions.

Eventually I saw the kind of money my friend was pulling down on a weekly basis. It wasn't huge by any means but it was more than I was making and he didn't even have a job to go too."How much you making," I asked him. I thought he would be a bit pensive about giving out figures, but he told me that he was making eight hundred dollars a week. That was about five hundred dollars more than I was making per week, and he didn't have to check in with the man every morning. "How do you do it," I asked after I pulled myself up off the floor.
"Internet Marketing," is what he said. I still was a bit doubtful about all this. It still seemed to be a bit scamy. He was telling me about how he sold products, sometimes his and sometimes someone else's, on the internet. I left his house that night thinking more about what he said. I still wasn't convinced, but I was starting to open up a bit to the idea.

Then my friend had had enough of the cold winter weather and before November came around he had found a place down in Florida an up and moved. We lost touch after that, which was too bad because my learning curve could have been a lot shorter if I still had him around to help me out. Besides that, I missed having a few beers with him and talking about how sucky the Lions were. So Shortly after he left was the first time that I sat down to my computer and gave internet marketing a try.

Let me just say that right from the beginning I was off to a bad start. I didn't have a clue of what I was doing. I google searched for internet marketing businesses, and how to get started with internet marketing. I was practically blown back out of my chair by the amount of information that was readily available. I started with the first entry on the first page of google. That was where I went least that was the first place where I was heading down the wrong path. I was basically reading a squeeze page on how to go about starting my own business on the internet and got suckered into buying a forty dollar e-book right then. Boy did I have some high hopes as I started reading through all that material. What it essentially boiled down to was buying into this guys line of products and then getting others to to start selling the product for me. It turned out to be the exact scam that I was afraid of getting into in the first place. Needless to say, this did turn me off from trying to do anything related to internet marketing for some time.

But it was always there in the back of my mind. I was always thinking about the internet marketing and how it made sense that I could reach out to a global market place, with those types of numbers making sales and making enough money to live on comfortably had to be possible. I just had to figure out how to make that possible. I liked doing sales and the thought of making sales why I slept kept me coming back to the internet marketing table.

So I started again. This time I decided that I wasn't going to go in for all of the scams of buying this and that to learn how to make money fast. I decided I was going to take the time to think things through on my own and figure out a way to go about selling online. It probably would have been easier to get a mentor, but that cost money, and that just wasn't something that I had a lot of. I started thinking about what I knew about offline sales. People really only bought when they had a need. Some people in sales call this a buyers pain. The buyer must have some sort of pain or else they aren't going to buy. I knew this to be true from what I knew of sales. So I started to thinking about what pains people would have and more importantly what pains would people have that they would turn to the internet for. To translate this into other terms: I looked to niches where people would likely find and buy answers to their problems online. I'm not going to give you the niches that I found because, depending on when you read this, these niches might be obsolete or just plain gone. The idea that you need to take away from this is that you have to find a specific market where there is a large need for answers or products.

I'm going to stop here with this part of the common sense story. I'm going to be writing down the rest of my common sense internet marketing approach and how I make my money from the beginning all the way up to how I make my money now. I'm working on the report that I'm going to be selling for $49.00. If you are interested I'm going to give the first 100 buyers the chance to pre-order this now for $35.00. At the time that this post goes up on my site, I will have the report done and sent out to all the pre-orders on March 11th, 2012. Also, for the first 100 pre-orders I get I will include the rest of the month to send me questions via my personal email and I will answer you about internet marketing and questions you may have concerning this topic. Just click on the PayPal button and you will get your report shortly, plus the access to pick my brain for the rest of the month if you order now. Nowhere else could you get an internet marketing mentor for just thirty five bucks!

Sorry, I'm sold out for now.

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